Monday, February 11, 2013

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

Runtime: 114 minutes (the Unrated Director's cut, anyhow; the R-rated version is only about 30 seconds shorter and I do not know if there are any differences of note besides cuts for violence)

Directed by: John Hyams

Starring: Scott Adkins, Andrei Arlovski, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren

From: Foresight Unlimited/Signature Pictures

Now, here's a movie I've heard about for months; via a messageboard I found out about the goodness of the previous film, Universal Soldier: Regeneration, a movie I watched and reviewed back in '10. I enjoyed it. Once I began hearing about this one, though, I realized that this is taking a left turn into the bizarre. With each still of Van Damme having a painted bald head and other oddities, I wondered which direction this was really going in. Once it came out, boy were there mixed reviews. Some loved it and others were just turned off by it. I decided to check it out via Xbox Video, which is a quality service I have used only twice but both times it worked great for me with no problems. I saw the Unrated Director's cut as it was available; if you want to be cheap, at least at the moment it isn't too hard to find on YouTube the original R-rated version, which likely isn't too different aside from cuts for violence.

The plot: Ignore the previous UniSol movies, pretty much. Luke Deveraux (Van Damme) is now the bad guy. You see right away that he murders the wife and daughter of John (Adkins). He has to deal with getting revenge on Luke, but also the return of the Magnus character (Arlovski) AND despite the previous film, Andrew Scott (Lundgren) is still alive and causing trouble too. I could spoil more but I won't.

First off, this movie was filmed for 3D. I don't think too many people have actually seen it in that format. Maybe it's for the best. I likely would not want to see all those strobe light effects in that format! That is probably an important thing to note: there's a reason why but at various points throughout you see a strobe light effect where it flashes from the picture to pure white and back again at a really fast rate and needless to say, people with epilepsy probably shouldn't watch this, just in case there's a negative reaction to that effect.

As to the story... I heard it is more like a horror film where it's broken up by strong violence, and that isn't the worst description. Problem is, I thought much of this was just flat out boring if it wasn't off-putting! A movie with its head up its own ass, I say. The story didn't grip me; sure, it may be because this seemed to be heavily inspired by Apocalypse Now and the one time I saw it that film I thought it was highly overrated (the documentary Hearts of Darkness, about the extremely troubled production, is really good though), but the story just did not work for me at all. Why they went in such a weird direction, I don't know, but I wish they wouldn't have. And I knew this going in, but Van Damme and Dolph have only real small roles in this film

It's a shame, as the action scenes in general are well-done, pretty violent, and entertaining. There's a car chase among all the brawls and shoot-outs. It's just a damn shame that I did not like the story all that much. Let's not even talk about the ending; I was real turned off by several aspects of it, and it's massive spoilers so I won't go into detail. It was just a turn-off at a few points instead of one. But hey, some out there think this is great overall, so your mileage may vary.

I'll be back Wednesday night.

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