Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Few Words About The Die Hard Trilogy

No review for me until tomorrow night (hint: I'll be talking about the 4th Die Hard movie, the unrated version) but tonight I'll say some quick words about the first three films in that franchise. I know that the new one hasn't exactly been getting good reviews but I still plan on seeing it on the big screen, so it makes sense to talk about the earlier films first.

The original Die Hard... awesome. It's still one of my all-time favorites. There's hardly anything for me to complain about. This is how action films should be done. I mean, it sparked many imitators and even changed how a genre of movies was done for a long while. I am glad I was able to see it on the big screen in I believe '05. It was an original film print but that made it all the more interesting.

Die Hard 2, sure there's more than one character which acts very stupid and that can get annoying, but still it's a satisfying film with plenty of exciting and good action.

Die Hard With A Vengeance I was thankfully able to see on the big screen in the summer of '95. I was able to go with a parent so that's how I saw this R-rated movie at the age of 14. I enjoyed it then, and I still do now, as the team of John McClane and Zeus are a memorable duo and the villain's plan certainly is memorable. It's just a shame that the ending is not what you would call “as good as the rest of the film.” Still, that's a quality trilogy given that if many franchises do make it to at least a third, that there are many which end up not being so good overall.

I'll have more to say about the most controversial entry in the franchise tomorrow night when I give my opinion on the 4th film and how the unrated version isn't as enticing as it sounds. I really hope that when I see the dumbly titled newest entry in the franchise, I won't have to piss and moan about its quality, but the word I've been hearing has mostly not been good. Sigh.

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