Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Evening With Miami Connection

Back in September, I watched a YouTube upload (long since taken down) of the late 80's movie known as Miami Connection, a film that was rediscovered by happenstance a few years ago and it got a slow release from Drafthouse Films. I did my review and since then it's actually gotten a backlash from a segment of the Internet audience (including some people I know) for it being “overrated” as a bad movie experience; sure, there are funnier and shittier bad movies out there that a segment of the movie audience would go bananas for in the same way they did with this if those films got the same treatment that MC did. It doesn't mean that MC is a bad time; indeed, it's still a blast to watch for the reasons I mentioned in the review. It's pretty terrible but it is a blast to watch. Anyhow...

They put it out in limited release this fall and finally this past weekend it came to the appropriate place of Orlando, as it was mainly set and filmed in that city, despite the title. It was at the local indie/arthouse joint, The Enzian. I've been there a good number of times before and I knew this is where any screenings would happen. 

The film did so well this past weekend that there are two more midnight screenings the last weekend of the year. Many (but not all) of the seats were filled at my screening. I got there early to sit at their patio bar to have some drinks then I lined up to get in. There as special guests was Angelo Janetti (i.e. the guy who in the film looks like Oates from Hall & Oates; he now has a goatee) and Maurice Smith (i.e. OH MY GOD! i.e. The Black Guy)... and Grandmaster Y.K. Kim himself. He runs Martial Arts World in Orlando. A number of his students were there to see the film. Before it started, the three said some things and Kim can still do the splits at his old age. His English skills are not that much better than they were 25 years ago, but oh well.

The screening went pretty well. There was a lot of cheering and of course plenty of laughter too. Even Kim admitted beforehand that the movie isn't great on a technical level. I am glad I got to see it on the big screen with a crowd as that's the best way to see it. I still like this motion picture despite the surprising backlash it's gotten.

I'll be back Thursday night.

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