Thursday, May 30, 2019

Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla

Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla (Gojira vs. Supesugojira) (1994)

Runtime: 108 minutes

Directed by: Kensho Yamashita

Starring: Megumi Odaka, Jun Hashizume, Zenkichi Yoneyama, Akira Emoto, Towako Yoshikawa

From: Toho

Um, is this really how telekinetic powers work?

It did not take long to discover why many say that this is the worst among the Heisei series; I do not quite agree but this is for certain a lesser entry and a downgrade from the previous year's Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II.

What a muddled, confused mess this was. I mean, this has everything from an anti-pollution message and the YAKUZA (mind control is a big subplot and they want to control The Big G as a means of exerting power... um, isn't the Yakuza powerful as a hidden entity? Doesn't that go against everything they stand for?) to telekinesis and an obsessed dude wanting to kill Gojira via... firing off a bullet filled with blood coagulant from a regular submachine gun? Um, I don't think that's gonna work if entire armies and futuristic firepower couldn't stop him!

Besides the fact that most of these subplots are underdeveloped, the characters make giant leaps of logic and they are somehow right. The origin of Space Godzilla is rather outlandish and heck if I know how one of the leads was able to surmise how it was created. The advent of HD doesn't help this out but even more so than usual, this movie had a bad case of “you can see the wires.” What kept me going through this was seeing all the lunacy on display and at least the kaiju battles were fun... but I was not a fan of Space Godzilla as a crystal-infused creature which has a bunch of goofy powers-at least it looked kind of cool, I suppose...

Oh, and Godzilla Jr. was redesigned and here looks doofier... not to mention there is a different giant robot operated by our heroes-M.O.G.U.E.R.A., inspired by a robot of the same name in the 1957 Toho movie The Mysterians. I haven't seen that, but it doesn't matter as I know they only borrowed the robot's look for this movie and none of its backstory. The robot itself is rather goofy and to quote a mutual here, like something out of Power Rangers.

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