Tuesday, September 16, 2014

These Movie Remakes/Reboots...

To be frank I feel too tired and "blah" tonight to watch any films. However,  it doesn't mean I can't note how this whole remake/reboot trend in Hollywood is just so out of control and it's real gross too how they're petrified of "new ideas" so with increasing frequency you get new versions of things that didn't need to be done again, like RoboCop and Total Recall. If they were remaking flawed movies that could be done better and there's a strong chance of it working, then maybe it'd work out. Otherwise, though...

What inspired me to bring this up was news from just the past 36 hours or so; you have remakes of National Lampoon's Vacation and I Know What You Did Last Summer. They can't even wait 20 years to bring it back? Just awful. As a side note, I despise most of television but honestly, turning Problem Child into a TV show? Talk about depressing.

Anyhow, no wonder why I have a dim view of major American films. I rarely see modern Hollywood movies anymore and when I do I tend to be disappointed too often. And let's not talk about how my Best of 2014 list is still rather barren of worthy entries. At least there are literally thousands upon thousands of older films for me to revisit or watch for the first time. My tastes should be obvious from what I tend to review here but I am happy to watch stuff from the past.

I'll be back tomorrow night, where I should review a motion picture and yeah, it'll be an older one.

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