Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pray for Death

Runtime: 92 minutes

Directed by: Gordon Hessler

Starring: Sho Kosugi, James Booth, Donna Kei Benz, Norman Burton

From: Trans World Entertainment

Here is the last film I watched in 2012 and the first one I am reviewing for 2013. It was on MGMHD, which had a Ninja New Year marathon; it might as well have been called Sho Kosugi New Year, as most of those starred the famed 80's martial arts star. I had seen this once before, on Hulu a few years ago. I figured I'd watch this again, a film where the villain you see the most is named LIMEHOUSE WILLLIE. I have no idea what a “limehouse” is and the movie never tells you what one is.

The plot: Businessman Akira Saito (Kosugi) and his family live in Japan; his wife is Japanese-American and she wants to move back to her home country and due to buisness reasons he agrees. They go to Houston and they open up a Japanese restaurant in the ghettos of Houston. The property they inherited has an attachment that is used by bad guys and crooked cops steal a valuable necklace from the bad guys, and they believe Akira has it. They thus do really evil things to the wife and kids and Saito (who by the way is also a NINJA) exacts revenge in a tremendous way.

Overall, this movie is corny and goofy and the kids (Sho's real-life sons) aren't always the best actors. But, this is also wildly entertaining, Akira does a lot of flipping, and things get pretty violent at times as he wrecks dudes. The villains are so, well, vile, that you really enjoy what they get coming to them. You also get a tremendous 80's-riffic soundtrack with a wacky ballad and the score itself is synth tones, with the drum machine getting used often. Plus, lol to one of the sons having a bike sooped up with gadgets as if he was James Bond in an Aston Martin DB5, a gadget-master as if he was Data from The Goonies. Not to be sterotypical but I got that comparison from someone else.

If you enjoy the silly but entertaining world of 80's martial arts films, then you should see this. I'll be back Friday night.

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