Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Runtime: 91 minutes

Directed by: Richard Pepin

Starring: Chad McQueen (the son of Steve), Gary Daniels, Joseph Ruskin, George Murdock, THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR; yes, that Ultimate Warrior

From: PM Entertainment

This wasn't what I was originally going to watch today, believe me. This day hasn't been too great, to be honest. I'll spare you the details but I figured it would be a good idea to watch a film from PM Entertainment, a late studio that was all low-budget fare but most of the cash was used on action and special effects, which is fine by me. I am glad I felt at least good enough to watch anything instead of skipping out, but I did not want to do that again, so here you go. Besides, getting to see former WWF wrestler The Ultimate Warrior (now right-wing nutjob Warrior; yes, he changed his name; among the things he's said as a public speaker: “Queering doesn't make the world work.”) in an extremely rare fictional role outside the world of wrestling sounded tremendous for a big wrestling fan like me.

Before you continue reading I recommend you read this article: It's a column written about this film on chud.com. Usually the site's content is douchebag hipster stuff but the writer is actually a pretty cool dude.

Like he said this is a movie set in the “future” of 2007 with cars of the mid 90's that they try to make look futuristic. Darren Braniff and NICK SLEDGE are a pair of cops in Los Angeles; it's a world that's pretty crappy, and there is a “hell zone” that pretty much is like the big buildings in The Raid: Redemption (or Dredd) and the prison island of Manhattan in Escape From New York. The two cops go into the hell zone to track down the musclehead criminal that broke out of jail (The Ultimate Warrior!) and end up in a Thunderdome cage in a nightcub fighting various dudes who all have one name as if they are the gladiators on American Gladiators... or Mortal Kombat fighters; considering that after a set amount of time each guy gets to use a random weapon, that help makes me think of Mortal Kombat.

The movie is what you'd expect going in if you actually take the time to go looking for it; here's a hint, search for “solar movie”; that site has many streaming links... but only use it for real obscure films like this and not to watch motion pictures still on the big screen! Anyhow, it's low-budget cheese but it's a lot of fun to watch if you enjoy such a thing. The action is good for the money and there's plenty of martial arts. There's also good-sized explosions you see throughout. The story works and you'll never get bored by seeing various cliches get used. The musical score... all over the map but it's mostly fine. One or two of the songs sounds like the early 90's version of dubstep, which I think is tremendous.

Like I said, if you enjoy that sort of thing, you might as well see this, if only to watch The Ulimate Warrior (without facepaint) not do much besides fighting. I'll be back Wednesday afternoon and I should be more on time with that.

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