Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Runtime: 88 minutes

Directed by: Duh, Akira Kurosawa

Starring: Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Masayuki Mori, Takashi Shimura, Minoru Chiaki

From: Daiei

You know, I figured it was about time to watch this all-time movie classic, the basic structure of which (several different people tell differing accounts of the same incident) has been ripped off probably thousands of times by now by all forms of entertainment from films to TV to novels to plays to what have you) has become cliché by now; I've seen the device used too many times to accurately guess but yet I never saw this, despite it not being a long film and it being on channels like TCM not so infrequently. Finally, via Hulu Plus I was able to give this a watch.

Like I said this is about something that happens when an incident happens and several different opinion give their opinions on what happened. In this case its the murder of the samurai, and the opinion of why the murder took place. There is also a rape of the samurai's wife (what is it with Japan and rape?), who was traveling with her husband and the thief Tajomaru (Mifune) took a shine to her. All that is agreed upon; what happened after the rape and just how that samurai died... that's where the four variations happen.

I'll spoil one thing right away: there's no clear-cut resolution and you don't know for certain which story is right, if there's an element of truth to all four stories, or what have you. That and how this was revolutionary filmmaking (for example, there's hand-held footage, something quite rare back then) makes this a classic and why this has become so famous. The quality performances throughout also give it the reputation it deserves. All of the actors you see (there aren't many) have to go through a range of emotions depending on which version of the story you see. Mifune as the bandit, though... what a crazed maniac he was, itching often as if he was Tyrone Biggins, laughing like a lunatic... it's a performance you'll never forget.

I don't want to give too much else away as the fun is seeing all the stories unfold and then deciding what actually happened instead of having the movie declare what the truth is... it was about time I saw this.

I'll be back Thursday night.

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