Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Warriors is Still Awesome

As I discovered this afternoon, and explained below why I still bop with the Walter Hill cult classic: 

Finally viewing the theatrical cut of this awesome movie in better than SD quality: magical.

I’ve reviewed this movie before, years ago. Until Arrow’s 4K release of the movie (which literally arrived earlier today via Amazon) only the inferior Director’s Cut-which included comic book panels to make it clearer to the viewer that this was based on the ancient Greek work Anabasis from Xenophon, of all things… that unfortunately ruined several scene transitions-was available in HD. What I purchased was the standard edition of the release as the earlier limited edition sold out even more quickly then expected.

As I’ve enjoyed the movie ever since I saw it about two decades or so ago, this was a must to purchase. Arrow did a groovy job with the film, much to my relief. I was reminded that even the opening credits are stellar: Barry De Vorzon’s title track is synth greatness as cut with a journey on the subway is the viewer being introduced to each of the Warriors that will be on this trek along with the setup.

Even I can admit it is rather absurd that in this universe, the gangs all wear the same outfits, no matter how extravagant (like the Baseball Furies wearing uniforms and painted faces). That only adds to the charm of this simple tale where a leader named Cyrus was to unite all the gangs in New York City… only the psychotic Luther of the Rogues murders Cyrus then accuses the titular Warriors of the act, necessitating their journey on unfamiliar turf where they have to bop their way from the Bronx back to Coney Island.

The movie’s a blast; watching the Warriors on the trek back home while navigating the actual subways & streets of New York City at night (and much to my delight, it’s the Bad New York City of Old) is a delight between the chases, the tough brawls, the colorful characters they meet. I love all that plus the De Vorzon score and the soundtrack that includes some R&B and Joe Walsh’s In the City. Back in the day, I played the PS2 game and even now it’s still one of my favorites; that soundtrack including the tunes from the movie plus Amii Stewart, FEAR, Gene Chandler, Dr. Hook… it’s like a game made specially for me.

Much to my delight, The Warriors was as much a treat as it was on first viewing all those years ago, between the iconic moments and the general vibes. In fact, I DO dig it…

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