Monday, May 23, 2022

I Discuss A Fatty Arbuckle Short

It is 1913's Fatty Joins the Force, to be exact.

In what may be my only review for the next few days, why not ease my way back in with a simple silent short? I won't go into details but there have been some bad times for me as of late. I won't go into specifics (and I won't even after the nightmare is finally over with) but during my sabbatical I've had to focus on other things and I did not feel like watching motion pictures anyhow. A dark cloud is over me and hopefully soon it'll disappear. On that cheery note...

This played as one of several Fatty Arbuckle shorts on Turner Classic Movies late last night. It was mainly chosen as I had never seen anything from 1913 before. It's a simple tale where because Fatty saves a girl from drowning when she wanders off after a cop starts macking on her mom-no, really; you can say that this police officer in particular was a bastard-he is asked to become a police officer himself. He does but that goes awry as apparently some children believe in ACAB.

The short is only 13 minutes in length so there's only time for a few gags but this had enough chuckles where I say that while this isn't a must-see like many shorts from Keaton/Chaplin/Lloyd etc., there were enough pratfalls (and as a mutual noted, an easy comparison can be made to Chris Farley) where this provided some much-needed laughs and entertainment during a trying time.

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