Thursday, January 9, 2014

RIP Sir Run Run Shaw

Well, I was hoping to also include a review with this, but:

* Today I got my first eye exam in over 10 years. I have real sensitive eyes so that whole experience wasn't the most pleasant ordeal and having my eyes dilated... I still don't feel 100% from it. I can see alright but I have a headache and maybe I shouldn't be looking at a small bright screen tonight. Looking at a computer screen is probably bad enough.

* I had to assist someone with some things and that ate up some time.

I will be back tomorrow night with something. I am really hoping it's finally a review but who knows with how this year has gone so far.

For awhile I was thinking it was about time to watch another Shaw Brothers film. Unfortunately it took the leader of the studio Sir Run Run Shaw dying at the age of 106 (or 107; I've heard both) a few days ago to finally make me do so. For me, the easiest thing to do to note his career is to point everyone to Time Magazine's article about the great man here, which talks about how influential the studio was, how it began and eventually became a big deal... along with the other ways that Shaw impacted the world, including running a TV station and giving much money to philanthropy causes. It sounds like he had a long eventful life and what a mark he left on the film-making world, especially in Asia.

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