Saturday, June 2, 2012

Twitter Madness

Here is something out of the norm for me. I am going to talk about Twitter. Now, you can find me here if you wish. I am not the type to tweet celebrities and hassle them for respondes or retweets. In fact that is a rather rare thing for me to do. One time I tweeted Amanda Crew (i.e. the lead girl of Sex Drive) and I made a joking comment about a trend at the time relating to her and she responded that she was flattered by my comment. Otherwise, though...

But, awhile back I discovered that Rachael Leigh Cook was on Twitter and that she was often pretty amusing on there. I mentioned to her a few days ago that I had finally seen one of her films and I was surprised by that fact. She responded that she was flattered but possibly apologetic, as I had not mentioned which one it was. I responded that it was Scorched and she seemed glad it was that one rather than one of the poorer films she has done and then referenced a quote from the movie. I was and still am flattered she responded, but she seems willing to respond to fans so that is good.

Then, I discovered early on Friday that the family of the late character actor Joe Spinell created a Twitter account for him. I responded that it was cool he was on Twitter and they thanked me for the kind words.

Finally, I'll mention one last dame. I don't even know why but last night I was thinking of Alice Greczyn, a name that you may not recognize but she was the main Amish girl in Sex Drive and she's been in some other films and TV shows; I don't watch the show but I know she's in The Lying Game on ABC Family. After looking at her account I was quite impressed. Even though she has a rather thin frame she must have great genetics as she is a big fan of food (a good way to impress me), sometimes tweets interesting links, and seems rather intelligent based on what she posts. She also has a blog and I don't want to use the term verbose as that has a negative connotation but she is not afraid to write a lot (I mean, even so than I do) and from what I checked out while I don't always agree with what she says it's definitely well-written and always an interesting read. I had no idea that young lady was so un-afraid to share her true emotions online but it's true and I am glad I happened to check out her account on random.

I'll be back tomorrow night, and this time with a proper review.

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