Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Great Muppet Caper

The Great Muppet Caper (1981)

Runtime: 97 minutes

Directed by: Jim Henson

Starring: The usual Muppets, plus Charles Grodin, Diana Rigg, & some cameos

From: ITC Entertainment

It wasn't the plan to review this today, but it fit my schedule best plus a Letterboxd mutual asked me which Muppet movie was the best. As I haven't even seen a new one in 30 years and this was one that was only in my childhood... don't expect any discussion of the other movies in the franchise until way in the future, yet as it was also on Disney+ and who knows when I'll subscribe on my own...

Even as a kid, I did not love the movie. The amount of times it broke the fourth wall and the way it was done didn't charm my socks off; and even now that opinion stands. As I can directly compare this w/ The Muppet Movie, it isn't as funny or charming, and the songs aren't as great—although The First Time It Happens is part of a delightful Busby Berkeley-inspired musical number. Plus, it's until nearly the middle point where we get much of the two big human stars: Diana Rigg and Charles Grodin as siblings where the latter wants to steal his sister's jewels.

While the laughs were more sporadic for me and some segments were real flops, overall there still were some guffaws from me, Rigg & Grodin were highlights and there is more than one Berkeley-inspired musical number. Heck, there were some nice cameos and even more impressive flexing from Jim Henson in having the Muppets perform impressively aside from the general magic in bringing them to life. Plus, where else will you see Peter Ustinov share a scene w/ Oscar the Grouch?


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