Wednesday, December 13, 2023

47 Meters Down

47 Meters Down (2017)

Runtime: 89 minutes

Directed by: Johannes Roberts

Starring: Mainly, Mandy Moore and Claire Holt

From: Many different companies; this includes two unfortunate executive producers, as mentioned below

So, I saw this despite knowing what the big plot twist was. I won't dive into details about the twist (which I didn't even know was a thing until long after this was released) except that if I did, I'd spoil something else. My viewing this in Kansas came about because my sister also receives a variety of movie channels via her cable package. This was on a Starz channel, and in fact was watched on demand this afternoon.

It has a simple yet promising premise: sisters Claire Holt and Mandy Moore are on vacation in Mexico. The latter is dealing w/ a bad breakup. I'd ask why anyone would dump Mandy Moore, but look at the scumbag behavior of her ex-husband Ryan Adams, or the awful things he did to other women... Be that as it may, Holt is the bolder and braver of the two, while Moore was more apprehensive yet to me more logical in thinking it's not a prudent decision to dive in a shark cage attached to a rickety old boat just because a pair of two cute men asked them to. There is in fact an accident and they're stuck 47 meters down—points at the screen like I'm Rick Dalton.

The plot twist is one I don't love personally; that was the least of the movie's problems. There are too many instances of the sisters telling the viewer obvious information we can see with our own eyes. There are some jump scares and actually decent scare scenes; that wasn't enough as even if this was shot decently (if confused spatially) the movie just isn't as exciting as it should be. The whole enterprise felt dull too often and it's a shame; this is not even The Shallows, which shares some similarities. Regrettably, the biggest scare came from... the opening credits, which stated "Executive Producers: Bob Weinstein & Harvey Weinstein.

Then again, I didn't hate the movie as it has its moments and the two lead ladies do their best. Perhaps 47 Meters Down: Uncaged will be more entertaining due to its apparent goofier nature.

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