Friday, December 15, 2023

I Discuss Sly

Yes, the documentary about Stallone that was released on Netflix relatively recently.

Today is a good day to catch up on the one movie I saw in Kansas which I haven’t reviewed yet and instead waited for the right time. I arrived back in Florida late last night; my current status is less than 100% as three pre-teen nephews are germ factories. Hopefully I can nip up and feel better in a few days. Since Sly came out recently on Netflix, I was intrigued. While they were made by different teams, comparisons with the documentary Arnold are natural. Both cover 80’s icons as their life story is told… both were inspired by old Hercules movies seen in their childhoods, had relationship issues as an adult, and cruel, harsh fathers.

While the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary is divided into 3 parts (that was a natural division due to the life he had) and is over 3 hours long, Sly is only half that length. Would I have liked more information & insight on Stallone? Sure. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t satisfied with what was presented; it was a standard chronological presentation where Sly’s rough childhood was presented along with the lack of success early in his career (for some reason, his adult movie The Party at Kitty and Stud’s wasn’t mentioned, although safe for work footage from it was shown) before Rocky became a gigantic hit.

Like in Arnold, the lead was honest in admitting his faults, including regrets over not spending more time w/ his family. This includes his late son Sage; I’ve heard various rumors about that relationship… who knows what is true. “I hope they were never estranged” is about all I can say. Some friends (including Arnold) and family (mainly, brother Frank) gave their comments throughout. There weren’t too many revelations for me and the presentation isn’t revolutionary. That said, I was still happy to have experienced Sly and the high rating is possibly in part due to my liking his movies since I was young. Or perhaps it’s because there is a poignant moment involving Sly’s dad on his deathbed.

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