Thursday, October 12, 2023

I Revisited Night of the Demon

I'm referring to the infamous 1980 film featuring a killer Sasquatch: 

Yes, this was revisited because yesterday on Twitter there was a clip trending which purportedly was of Bigfoot captured by some random person on a train in Colorado. As much as I'd love for it to be legit, Occam's Razor tells me it's some kind of hoax & Sasquatch was some dude in a suit.  Originally I was going to watch a certain horror film for the first time as it recently debuted on a platform. However, something in the first ten minutes offended me so strongly I shut it off, never to return. Elsewhere on another day, I'll discuss what that was. Instead, Plan B was enacted and because of that Twitter trend, I went with arguably the most infamous horror movie involving that creature.

While Night of the Demon is technically a very flawed picture I rate highly for the same camp value that I give high marks to such entertainment as Miami Connection or Samurai Cop, this time I went “to the bowels of the Internet” to see the Severin print of the movie rather than the VHS quality rip that's always been on Prime. I'll purchase that Blu one day so I don't look like a complete bellend! The plot is that a college professor Nugent (not Ted) takes some of his old-looking students and a victim's daughter to try and find Bigfoot in the wilds of California. What happens is enough carnage to earn it a warranted spot on the infamous British Video Nasty list.

The plot can be scrutinized & for certain can be in rather poor taste. The professor does not seem to understand the term "invasion of privacy," for example. Furthermore, some of the acting is astoundingly bad. That said, perhaps I should have given this more credit the first time around. The California woods was a scenic setting, and the score was either easy-listening gold or a droning synth. I'll still laugh that the ending was an amazing rampage from the creature (which wasn't seen in full until the final act... which was an idea I agreed w/), that a supporting character looked like Ted Turner, or in a moment of bad taste on my part, found it hilarious that a painting of the Virgin Mary made her look awfully like Saoirse Ronan!

This viewing also gave me the realization that two of the “college” students could be described as “Ted McGinley's 4th cousin” and “John Denver's 3rd cousin.” Ultimately, it's a movie where Sasquatch is a killing machine who not only rips the arm off of one guy, he rips the DICK off of another. There's even what may be the best sleeping bag kill; there's other worthy candidates but this may be the most memorable one. You'll know by now if this is the sort of trash for you; from that less than ethical stream, I know the Severin Blu is worth a purchase—just a damn shame there's no legal way to see that print.

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