Sunday, December 25, 2022

How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! Due to my schedule I am posting this review at what is a bizarre hour for me. It wasn't the original plan to watch this last night; instead it was something on TV but to my horror it was in the wrong aspect ratio. I'll explain further when I see that movie likely in the far-flung future—for now, this was a more than adequate substitute. After all, I've reviewed both the 2000 live-action film and the 2018 animated film; both are rather lousy even if not compared to something made for television in the 60's that did it much better in only 26 minutes.

It's not a plot I need to elaborate upon so instead I'll mention that its messages are still worth learning today. The animation and music are both fine (except for the one song that's legendary) although of course it's the story and Boris Karloff narrating the plot/voicing the title character that make this stellar. Unlike in the movie versions, the Grinch here is a right bastard, a creature truly a “three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce.” That makes his eventual turn all the more satisfying rather than the bizarre backstories or softening others later attempted with the character. You're a Mean One Mister Grinch is an unforgettable song which explains how rotten Mr. Grinch is using colorful verbiage, sung by the unforgettable vocals of Thurl Ravenscroft.

It's a timeless tale which should have been experienced as an adult WAY sooner than “late last night.” On the other hand, the other classics from the holiday season I saw on television (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman) can always be reviewed next December.

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