Wednesday, July 13, 2022

I Revisited The Howling: New Moon Rising

 It's an infamous movie I've discussed before, but the new review is below. Also included is a video interview w/ Joe Bob Briggs where he talks about why New Moon Rising is so bizarre: 

I went from the penthouse to the outhouse!

After watching a great movie in All That Jazz, why not follow it up with a revisit of an atrocious film I’ve watched more than once? Randomly, it was discovered by me that not only does Shout Factory have the streaming rites to this picture (which never made it past the VHS era in the United States) but it can be seen on both Prime & Tubi. As I never gave this a proper review of just why this motion picture is so rotten, it was time to punish myself.

I have no idea who this Australian dude Clive Turner is-seemingly no one else does either. He somehow got involved with the 4th and 5th Howling films and this was a (spectacularly failed) attempt to tie 4, 5, and 6 together despite this being a franchise known for having little if any continuity. Turner was a jack of all trades here, including starring as a random drifter who ends up in the real life area of Pioneertown, California-an area built in the 40’s for the purposes of Western film shoots-as werewolf attacks then start happening. Of course, those happen off-screen and there’s a 29 cent version of Predator Vision in red used a few times to portray its vision, but that’s the least of its problems.

The story is utter drivel, confused crap that is impossible to figure out if you attempt to do any scrutinizing of the plot. The only footage that doesn’t look like garbage is the stock footage from 4, 5, and 6 that you see a few minutes of. The “effects” used during the one “transformation”: seriously, the level of what you’d see in Birdemic.

Many baffling decisions were made, but none were more detrimental than the focus being far more on the real life residents of Pioneertown (mainly, the barflies who occupy Pappy & Harriet’s Pioneertown Palace, an actual bar). That’s right, many of the cast who you spend the most time with are legit residents of a random hamlet. While I imagine some of them would have been interested to hang out with during a night out on the town, they “act” about as well as you’d expect for total amateurs. Mumblecore this isn’t… or at least it’s not something you’d really want to experience unless you love one or more of the following:

* “Humor” that is usually ribald and typically is only worth a mild chuckle. Note that there are lots and lots of “jokes”, although that isn’t even as prevalent as:
* Mediocre 90’s country music: hot damn is there ever a plethora of tunes. My dismissal of the songs aside, at least is more tolerable than what passes for the popular music in the genre these days.
* Line dancing!
* A scene involving chili and farting; Blazing Saddles, it isn’t either.

While this is a painful 90 minutes, a total disaster of a motion picture that doesn’t entertain except for ironic reasons… I can still say that this is uniquely bad for the bats--- idea of having residents of a distinctive little hamlet portray themselves in a no-budget horror film.

Incidentally, Clive Turner hasn’t really done much since this came out and died a quick death. I’d love a Scream Factory release one day… even if to find out where Turner is now, and just why in the blue heck he made the choices he did.

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