Thursday, June 25, 2020

In Search Of Bigfoot

Last night I had a double feature; it was two films on DVD that I recently purchased from Vinegar Syndrome during one of their big sales they have each year. The other movie will be reviewed sometime tonight. This was decided even before another famous cryptid (The Loch Ness Monster) trended on Twitter yesterday afternoon, only to be quickly exposed as a hoax. It did not even look like any version of the purported creature I had seen before. Cryptozoology is an interesting field, even if none of the creatures are legit; the folklore surrounding this and such topics as UFO's & ghosts makes for good reads. It'd be neat if Sasquatch was actually a thing... unfortunately plenty of the evidence is shady at best. The infamous Patterson-Gimlin Film from 1967, that is almost certainly poppycock.

As for any proof offered here, that is minimal at best. There are only a few big footprints seen and that's it. Otherwise it's a few random people being interviewed & seeing a bunch of random hippie people-even if they are mainly scientist types wandering around the area of Mt. St. Helens in the state of Washington (a few years before that volcano last erupted) led by a bald man who is best described as a cross between Shel Silverstein and Jackie Earle Haley. This at least is treated earnestly, including serious narration as lovely scenery is seen throughout. Hanging out with those wacky people was pleasant even if they did a lot of talking about Sasquatch and the evidence was rather minimal.

They did have a great out for not finding anything; you see, they figured where a family of Bigfeet was likely located at... only of course there's a forest fire which must have driven the clan away. This whole deal might have been invented once they found out there was a forest fire. Anyhow, at the end a random 70's actor appeared as himself in a cameo. Sam Melville was mainly in television, best known for the 70's show The Rookies, if anyone here is old enough to have seen it. What a look he served here: a neon green KISS t-shirt, tiny red nylon shorts, and knee-high stripey socks! At least this was only 72 minutes minus credits, making for quick viewing. To clarify, this is a shorter version of 1972's Bigfoot: Man or Beast?

The 1970's was a boon for paranormal documentaries... Bigfoot, UFO's, The Bermuda Triangle-which has 100% been confirmed as bunk as there's no evidence for it-ghosts, etc. In the future I should check those out once in a blue moon for the silly charm they likely will provide. I am certain they will be more fun than those paranormal “reality” TV programs infesting the airwaves now where I will presume it's incredibly phony and there's manufactured drama so there's jerks screaming at each other. Plus, as will be revealed tonight, this was much preferable to the actual movie Vinegar Syndrome packaged this with.

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