Thursday, June 25, 2020

Cry Wilderness

Cry Wilderness (1987)

Runtime: 93 very long minutes

Directed and starring a bunch of no-name buffoons (along with a child actor who actually wasn't bad), and from a no-name studio

Featuring an astral projection Bigfoot who loves New Coke.

I have only known of this since it was featured on the reboot of MST3K; as I haven't seen any episode of the reboot (I do like the original show) it was only hearsay which informed me that this was quite bad. Still, this was viewed with an open mind. The opening few minutes featuring the kid actor (he was the best actor in the movie!) at a boarding school led by a real A-hole... that was difficult for me to get through as it features one of my least favorite cliches. Even though it was followed up by one of several hilarious scenes, much of this is pretty awful... poor acting, a threadbare plot, some atrocious dubbing, way too many aggravating scenes and not enough Bigfoot.

A shame, as this had some unintentionally great moments. The first was when Bigfoot did some astral projection to our lead kid Paul telling him that his dad is in danger... note that this is the only time Bigfoot speaks to the kid, or anyone for that matter. He then hitchhikes in a snowy landscape as if he was Superman after he voluntarily gave up his powers, and is picked up by a semi driver as a song best described as someone trying very hard to sound like Bob Seger singing over a band trying very hard to create a Waylon Jennings tune. The bad moments even override all the different animals on display and the lovely Northern California locations this production found. Also, Bigfoot not only loves New Coke, but also generic rock music.

Amongst such hijinx as a pair of trash pandas trashing someone's cabin, a crew that includes a big game hunter dressed as a bad Indiana Jones cosplay hunts... a tiger! You see, it escaped from the circus; there's an old urban legend and I have no idea if any dangerous animal ever escaped from a traveling circus in history. It may sound like fun... most of it is not. I imagine it is far more tolerable with the pithy comments of The Bots and new host Jonah; don't be like me and see it without them!

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