Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cannibal Ferox

Runtime: 93 minutes

Directed by: Umberto Lenzi

Starring: Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Lorraine De Selle, Danilo Mattei, Zora Kerova, Robert Kerman

From: Several Italian Companies

Imagine Cannibal Holocaust, only w/ less social commentary, and more cocaine... a lot more cocaine.

CH is something I've seen twice before, but Ferox was new to me. As it was directed by Umberto Lenzi (who I've seen plenty of movies from) I knew this would be plenty sleazy, and I was not incorrect with my prediction. This definitely copied Holocaust... filmed in Colombia, it follows dumb white people that go into the jungle & piss off native tribes, who happen to be cannibals. This even has some scenes set in New York City, because CH did so... that was a key part of the plot while those moments here are rather superfluous.

There really only needed to be the first NYC scene, which established the character Mike, who is a drug dealer that is missing. Turns out, he is in South America with a pal to find more cocaine AND try to pan not for gold, but rather emeralds. They and a trio of college students-there to do research for a dissertation-cross paths and believe it or not, it is a coke binge from Mike that starts all the problems.

This is not as good as Holocaust and I do regret that they also decided to copy its scenes of animals being killed... yet at least this provides entertainment on a trash level and the effects are all fine. The gore does top what was seen in Deodato's movie, although how gruesome it was wasn't what made CH so compelling. Plus, the score from Roberto Donati and Fiamma Maglione is pretty groovy... and actually lifted from another Lenzi cannibal feature, Eaten Alive! At least this isn't as depressing a watch as the tone is lighter; like I said, the bad s*** starts after a coke binge. That said, at least for the rest of this Halloween season, I've seen enough gross-out movies involving humans eating each other.

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