Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Here Comes The Devil

Here Comes the Devil (Ahi Va El Diablo) (2012)

Runtime: 97 minutes

Directed by: Adrian Garcia Bogliano

Starring: Francisco Barreiro, Laura Caro, Alan Martinez, Michele Garcia

From: Morbido Films

I figured it was about time I continued the list I started for the month on Letterboxd of me watching foreign films for the month of July. This entry is from Mexico and it's only the third one on the list. The other 2/3 of the month I'll watch them more frequently. I had heard buzz about this movie from more than one person on various messageboards so I figured this was the perfect time to check out that horror film. Plus, it has a pretty rad poster.

The plot description from the IMDb: "A married couple lose their children while on a family trip near some caves in Tijuana. The kids eventually reappear without explanation, but it becomes clear that they are not who they used to be, that something terrifying has changed them." Note that the children appear to be 13 and 11 years old.

The rest of this is from my Letterboxd review.

Man, was this difficult to rate, although I have more of an idea now than I did right after I finished watching this late last night.

The plot of his recent Mexican horror film is that a husband, wife and two pre-teens are on vacation and the kids disappear after going into a cave high in the mountains, and of course the area is said to be haunted and full of weird shit. The children return the next day but they don't act the same...

This movie was pretty weird, I'll admit it. It's not a surreal mindf*ck of an experience, but it was still weird. It was not what I was expecting and I was surprised-not in a bad way-by some of the things that happened. I certainly was not expecting the emphasis on sex and nudity; it can be titillating... but sometimes it's used in a quite disturbing way. And the conversation that the parents have during foreplay is so bizarre and not what you'd think would be material to get someone turned on... it was incredible and I laughed.

I suppose 3 stars is the most accurate way to rate this. I could complain about certain things and how not everything always makes sense. But, the parents (the characters that are the main focus of the picture) are nicely acted and always interesting, and throughout the movie does retain a creepy vibe.

Also, I appreciate that at least it isn't the same old same old that have been just about all of the wide release American horror films of the past few years; judging by the box office United States audiences are also tired of the same old crap. So, while I think this is more weird than good, I didn't hate it and thus the rating seems appropriate.

I'll return tomorrow afternoon.

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