Friday, February 25, 2022

Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise (1995)

Runtime: 101 minutes

Directed by: Richard Linklater

Starring: Mostly it's just Ethan Hawke & Julie Delpy

From: Castle Rock Entertainment

Man, I was a rooster prick for not seeing this much sooner! Romantic dramas just aren't my thing, even ones that are as highly rated as this, and knowing of the entire trilogy's praise for so many years. Finally-as the world is currently burning-it seemed like the time to check out something I was hoping to at least be charmed by. Turns out, I managed to love the movie which is why it receives such a high rating.

A movie solely devoted to two characters meeting randomly on a train and they spend all night walking around Vienna, Austria as they get to know each other then fall in love even with the knowledge that it's likely they will never meet again-I actually wasn't sure about it based on a premise. Thank heavens the movie won me over. The fact that there were no cliché moments such as forced conflict or dumb over the top moments was a welcome relief in general, but especially in the genre. Instead, the viewer got to know the characters the same time that Jesse and Celine did via conversation; for all the conversing present, all of it was worthwhile... whether it be thought-provoking, silly, philosophical, bold, subtle, or anything else.

It was a charming movie which managed to feel all so real and magical at the same time, as the two visit a lovely historical city and briefly meet a wide variety of characters, but the focus is always on the duo. What a duo they are—what excellent performances from Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. What they didn't say-glances, facial expressions, and the like-was just as important as all the dialogue that is heard; the fact that much of the script was rewritten by them in an uncredited fashion means that their contribution to making this film so great is all the more impressive.

I am sure many of us have experienced a wonderful night they wish could last forever and/or feel regret that they met someone only once & wish there would have been at least a second chance; I can say I felt both and not reveal further details. None of it was like playing pinball w/ Delpy in a Viennese bar! This was exactly what I needed on this day and of course later in the year I will happily check out the other two pictures in the trilogy.

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