Friday, October 9, 2020

30 Miles From Nowhere

30 Miles from Nowhere (2018)

Runtime: 84 long minutes

Directed by: Caitlin Koller

Starring: Rob Benedict, Carrie Preston, Cathy Shim, Seana Kofoed, William Smillie

From: Film Camp Productions

This was some indie movie BS.

I am not referring to the pretentious twaddle that has become prevalent in the horror genre with the baffling designation of “heightened horror”; rather, it's the sort of indie movie of any genre which acts like it is OH so clever and smarter than the audience. This movie wasn't too good due to its characters and situations but it soiled the bed in the final act. The explanation for the strange events the viewer witnessed was so baffling and stupefying, it turned my mood rather sour. THEN, the final few minutes were insulting and insufferable.

I did not want to loathe a woman-directed film where apparently half the crew was women, the cast had some diversity and the characters were all middle-aged. That said, I have to be real here-the idea of old college friends reuniting at the funeral for one of the buddies only to experience weird events at the guest house of the guy's widow... it seemed fine. However, most of the people you see were rather unpleasant; cursing (there were too many F-bombs), yelling at each other, alcohol issues, and an eagerness to cheat on their significant others w/ each other... for some reason, this quickly grew tiresome. It was more “comedy” than horror-I say comedy somewhat sarcastically as only occasionally did I laugh... otherwise, I was annoyed rather than amused with the attempt at the naturalistic dialogue. I think they were going for satire but totally missed the mark.

The presence of several “that guy” actors was far from being enough for me for this to be tolerable. There are many better “cabin in the woods” pictures that are more worthy of your attention... or, there are quite a few movies from the past decade on Shudder that deserve a view far more than this missed opportunity.

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