Saturday, July 27, 2019

I Discuss Stranger Things Season 3 & More

A few days ago I viewed a half hour thing on Netflix known as Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein. That was as "good" as you'd expect for something with such a title, even if it stars David Harbour.

To be Frank... this was only watched as a backdoor way to discuss Stranger Things Season 3.

I would have never heard of this if it hadn't been for Letterboxd, as Christ it sure as heck is not being promoted on Netflix. That service wonders why they are bleeding subscribers... if it wasn't for “losing a lot of interesting if obscure films because they'd rather make a bunch of lousy at best movies and only occasionally worthwhile TV shows”, I would say the explanation would be “their interface gets worse and worse each time I on rare occasions subscribe to it”, which is a big reason why I only subscribe on rare occasions. Wait, where was I...

Oh yeah, me sharing another unpopular opinion when it comes to something related to modern pop culture. The first two seasons of Stranger Things I did not love-The Duffer Brothers did not have to have terrible plot points straight out of the 80's too-but it was still enjoyable and not something I regretted spending hours with as it was well-cast and there were bitchin' moments. Season 3, though... at the risk of sounding like a mouth breather to most, I thought it was absolutely terrible! The main story was laughably lame in all the worst ways so I hated it, and I did not like any of the sideplots either. It was just miserable to me and tough to get through; it seemed like the magic was gone and it honestly took me longer than expected to view all the episodes. The Starcourt Mall looked cool and there were some other nice moments, but otherwise Season 3 sucked, to state it bluntly.

By far the worst aspect was how Jim Hopper was absolutely ruined; as several thinkpiece articles have stated, that character suddenly became an abusive A-hole who was constantly angry and at 11 and was a dick to everyone... and the show treated his behavior as a GOOD thing?! What a great message to send, it was OK for Joyce and Eleven to be emotionally and verbally abused for the entire season-honestly, I am baffled as to why everyone else loves 3 as it was far worse than the first two. Of course, it'd be nice if this bizarre 30 minute thing with the unwieldy title would make me think better of David Harbour but instead it reminded me of something else I hate: Adult Swim! None of their original shows have any actual humor and instead it's just weird crap that is supposed to be funny because it is weird and awkward.

The only purpose for Frankenstein seemed to be “wouldn't it be funny if we created an alternate universe where David Harbour had a famous father that was a copy of Orson Welles late in his life?” and “it'd be hilarious if we created a terrible on purpose play that was filmed for TV & was filled with mistakes and poor acting, right?” My response for both queries would be “no.” I've mentioned before how the vast majority of modern comedy is just lost on me and this is yet another example of that. Not even Alfred Molina and Mary Woronov could make this any better than intolerable.
In hindsight, there may be a reason Netflix has buried this release...

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