Sunday, September 23, 2018

Double Target

Runtime: 98 minutes

Directed by: Bruno Mattei

Starring: Miles O'Keeffe, Donald Pleasence, Bo Sevenson, Kristine Erlandson, Ottaviano Dell'Acqua

From: Flora Film

What low budget trash this was: 

This is the one time I watched a movie because the main characters have names like SENATOR BLASTER and BOB ROSS. It is an Italian film lensed in The Philippines and directed by Bruno Mattei, so those in the know should know what to expect from such a brief description. So will me saying that the film stars Miles O'Keeffe, Donald Pleasence, Bo Sevenson, two guys who were in Zombie 3, and someone who was in films like Yor, the Hunter from the Future and The Exterminators of the Year 3000.

As was ever-present in 1980's cinema, the Vietnam War was the topic of this motion picture, even if the movie is set years after the war ended. To be specific, several terrorist acts happen in Southeast Asia and the United States believes it's some sort of insidious plot by the Vietnamese government. Senator Blaster (Pleasence) brings in our hero (Bob Ross! He was played by O'Keeffe) to perform an operation to stop some damn Commie Russkies from training “international terrorists” in Vietnam. Oh, and Ross had a son in the country during the war with a now-dead Vietnamese wife and he's looking for the tyke.

The film is largely what you expect... low-budget nonsense where the Italians try to do their own version of Rambo: First Blood Part 2. At least there's wacky music to accompany this, but it's not so gleefully over the top that it is campy; I'll just call this average overall. However, there are moments to laugh at. I guffaw thinking about the actual Bob Ross playing the lead; as legend says, he used to be a drill sergeant but he left the military as he did not like yelling at the soldiers in training. Senator Blaster, what a character... also, there should have been someone named Senator Blaster in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Anyhow, he has asthma and coughs often; at one point he even yells out, “Air! Air!” as if he's President Skroob. Then, there's a scene in the middle where the bad guys raid a small village where Bob's son lives. In short, the entire village is blown up by the heroes as a means to create a distraction. It works... although I have to ask, where in the hell are the villagers going to live now that their bamboo huts were all destroyed?

Sometimes I wonder if things got lost in translation, or even if there are missing scenes. That said, at least there are plenty of big explosions...

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