Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Blood Freak

Runtime: 80 minutes

Directed by: Brad F. Grinter/Steve Hawkes

Starring: Steve Hawkes, Dana Cullivan, Randy Grinter, Heather Hughes, Larry Wright

From: Sampson Motion Picture Company

If you are not familiar with the movie, wait until you hear the plot: 

It was not the original plan to see this motion picture last night; suddenly spotting this on Amazon Prime meant this had to be seen immediately. Who knows if it'll still be there come Thanksgiving (the same goes for the copies on YouTube) and besides, I've actually watched this bizarro film before, albeit many years ago.

What exactly do you say about a gory outsider piece of cinema which somehow is also pro-Christian and anti-drug? A buff dude named Herschell (appropriate, as there are a few moments where you get H. Gordon Lewis-esque bloodletting) falls into the wrong crowd and among other things, he becomes a fiend for marijuana and works on a turkey farm. He eats tainted turkey meat and well... TURNS INTO A TURKEY MONSTER. Considering this is a cheap flick that is real rough when it comes to filmmaking craft & skill-and acting to, BTW-this means “the lead wears a mascot head of a turkey” and is on the warpath, going after drug dealers and random young women.

I appreciate the insanity on display yet among all the unintentional laughs scattered throughout this movie can be a drag to get through. Memorable in the wrong ways is director Brad F. Grinter occasionally appearing on camera, and judging by the wood paneling in the background, he did this in his basement. He offers occasional commentary on the proceedings, but it is nonsensical babblings so it does not exactly illuminate what is going on. Best of all, as he is never not seen with a cigarette in hand, no shock that in his final appearance he has a coughing fit... yet Grinter the director did not have himself as an actor do that take over again?

This is another one of those movies extremely difficult to rate; I guess I'll go with two stars and move on with my day.

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