Monday, September 19, 2011

A Quick Bit Of Randomness

Due in part to my schedule the past few days and also due in part to me being dead tired the past few days, I’ll do one of these now and tomorrow night will be a review. It’s just that I realized after the fact there are some things to say about the recent movies I saw.

Re, Apollo 18, the movie is starting to become worse to me in the days after I saw it when I heard and read more reviews of it; yet, it also became better after I realized something that I haven’t heard anyone say yet. I know I’m going to spoil the movie, but eh, oh well, I doubt that anyone cares by this point… what causes the problems on the moon is an arachnid-like creature that hatches from certain rocks. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized this, but I swear they ripped off that idea from an awful movie that was on Mystery Science Theater 3000! I’m referring to The Giant Spider Invasion, a terrible film about spiders from space who hatch from what looks like rocks. The fact that this movie ripped out such an idea from a movie like this… that is pretty amazing. As for the MST3K episode, it’s tremendous as they just tear apart all the trashy redneck characters you see in the movie, and as someone from Illinois, I have to laugh at the anti-Wisconsin jokes.

As for Fright Night, on a messageboard I read discussion that the original and the remake actually has homosexual subtext to it with the vampires representing homosexuality, and people “converting” has a whole different meaning to it. That’s rather interesting and if I see the remake again and when I see the original, I’ll try to view it in that way. Of course it’s interesting that the original had at least two people in the cast who happened to be gay, and at least one other who has had rumors about his true sexuality.

In terms of Giallo, there is one scene I should mention just for it being gross. The killer views photos of the woman he just brutally attacked, and from his arm motions and sounds, you can tell that he’s “pleasuring himself” to those images. Not something I needed to think about, so of course I mentioned it here.

I’ll be back tomorrow night, this time with a review.

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