Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More Randomness

I didn’t have the time to watch any movie the past few days so I’m doing a quick one of these instead. I’ll mention a movie I did see on DVD last week, then…

I watched a movie I was interested in as I heard some good things, which was Insidious. It had its ups and downs. There are scary moments that worked and the violin score worked with the film and it creeped you out too. However, I thought it took awhile to get going, there were some dumb moments, and what I presumed to be unintentional humor was funnier than the stuff that they wanted to be funny (i.e. those two ghostbusters who helped out Lin Shaye’s character); still, despite that and the final 20 or so minutes showing the limitations of the low budget, it wasn’t a bad film and it was nice that an original horror movie did well-enough at the box office.

Wednesday night, I’ll be going to a screening of Scarface; it’s a one-night only thing at various locations across the country. It’s a movie I wanted to see on the big screen for a long while now. I fear what the crowd for the screening will be as I know the type of audience that loves Scarface the most but I think I’ll be fine. It’s not like I need to bring a shiv or brass knucks or mace or anything of that sort. I’ll review the movie and the whole experience Thursday night.

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