Saturday, August 5, 2023

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)

Runtime: 86 minutes

Directed by: Tom Shadyac

Starring: Jim Carrey, Sean Young, Courteney Cox, various famous faces in small roles, including Mark Margolis (RIP)

From: Morgan Creek

RIP Mark Margolis. No kidding, just recently I thought about finally revisiting this for the first time since childhood. One infamous element (the dolphin in the room) has kept me away… but hearing the news that Margolis passed away made this a must. Even though he had only a few minutes of screentime, this was still my way to tip my cap to a “that guy” actor, at least before Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. I’ve never seen either (that’s more to me not really watching any fictional television in many YEARS) so he’ll always be a “that guy” actor. However, from social media I know that many were saddened by his death; one day I’ll check out Breaking Bad, promise. It was nice that he had a memorable role on popular TV shows where his death saddened many people.

I’ve been reluctant to review Ace Ventura as I remembered this has an infamous transphobic scene which of course is bad by today’s standards. Without going into details, the big reveal has shown makes zero sense and is more a wacky sight gag than anything else, so should I not feel bad about it… actually, the male characters (well, mainly Act) act in over the top revulsion which I’m sure is horrifying to that community. Hopefully no one will vilify me for not rejecting the entire film for that one element. Before anyone asks, yes I know it’s an obvious spoof of The Crying Game… and also yes I know that Ventura’s OOT reaction was supposed to be so OOT it was ridiculous (or so I hear) but for certain your mileage will vary.

Then again, if someone would really want to, they’d also complain that Carrey cosplaying as someone in a mental health institute is a goofy stereotype at best. Personally, that was too goofy to get mad about. Then again, when was Ace as a character NOT goofy? When I was a 13 year old, of course I was amused by Jim Carrey in this, The Mask, and Dumb & Dumber. Now, him as a cartoon character who is never not hyperactive & who talks w/ his butt among other childish behavior… to use a familiar phrase, a little of that can go a long way. That was more dumb than intolerable, usually.

As is, this is a tale where Snowflake, the dolphin mascot for the Miami Dolphins is kidnapped two weeks before Miami is to play in the Super Bowl. Yep, this for certain is a work of fiction! Just joking, Dolphins fans. As he and Courteney Cox become a couple, he does actual detective work and discovers that involves a former player named Ray Finkle. Naturally, several phrases from the film I never forgot, including “Laces out!”

Many familiar faces appear in small roles or what amounted to cameos. Some were “that guy” actors, such as Margolis, Noble Willingham, Randall “Tex” Cobb and Alice Drummond. Udo Kier is around—for a few minutes. Heck, death metal band Cannibal Corpse randomly perform in a club in one scene. However, Sean Young as police lieutenant Einhorn was definitely the highlight of the film. It’s a shame that various things happened (bad luck, injuries, whatever sort of relationship she did or didn’t have with James Woods that turned out quite bad) and she wasn’t a bigger star.

Despite some moments that were of their time, I could still be entertained by this silly film & there were enough laughs for me. At least judging by my teenage memories, this was clearly better than its sequel, When Nature Calls. Also, I’ve never seen The Crying Game so I can’t compare & contrast; who knows how that twist plays in 2023.

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