Friday, August 5, 2022

Eddie Murphy Raw

This will be a short one for me as I discuss the famed 1987 standup concert film: 

“If I have to beg and plead for the symphony...”

In short, I realized that it just so happens it's been a little more than a month since anything from the 80's has been watched, and there hasn't been too much in the past several months. It wasn't by design; instead that happened by happenstance. Furthermore, stand-up concert films are still rare for me so it was time to watch this for the first time in many a moon.

Personally, Eddie Murphy Delirious is funnier to me. That doesn't mean this is chopped liver: after an opening where like in Delirious there are regrettable comments made about homosexuals, there is a LONG segment where many facets of relationships & sex are mentioned. At least there are callbacks late to earlier punchines, which helped. After that there are some bits that include pugilistic Italian men and Eddie's drunk father. Those that are familiar w/ Delirious will know how vulgar that was in terms of language-the same goes for the aptly-named Raw.

It wasn't shot in the most dynamic fashion by director Robert Townsend yet overall I can't carp when this still gave me enough chuckles, laughs and guffaws to entertain me. The opening segment (which portrayed one fateful night during Eddie's childhood) was pretty amusing especially if you can spot the famous faces before they were famous... including Samuel L. Jackson.

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