Friday, September 17, 2021

Ghost In The Shell

Ghost in the Shell (Kokaku Kidotai) (1995)

Runtime: 83 minutes

Directed by: Mamoru Oshii

Starring: I saw the subtitled version theatrically, so it was the original Japanese voice actors

From: Several Japanese companies

I discovered why this only has evening IMAX screenings!

Perhaps more surprising than me not having experienced anything from this property (manga, videogames, film, etc.) is that for this week, some IMAX screens around the world are playing this-using the 4K scan from the UHD release. As I hear previous releases were of poor quality... before last night my primary knowledge of Ghost in the Shell was the vociferous hatred for the (unsurprising) terrible Hollywood remake-which I am sure would have been poor even if someone Japanese was the lead.

Under the assumption that most knew more about this than I did going in, not much time will be spent on explaining the plot of how in 2029, there's a section of cybernetically-enhanced police officers or how they have to investigate the actions of the mysterious Puppet Master. Instead, I will note that while there is of course some bizarre “Only in Japan” moments-such as lead Motoko taking off her clothes before she engages in battle-the weird moments do not cloud the storytelling. It eventually becomes clear that the story is not hard to follow as it engages in thought-provoking discussion over what it means to be human, fear of technology's increasing influence on society, identity, etc.

Viewing its 90's aesthetic/unique anime appearance on an IMAX screen was grand, as was its eclectic soundtrack. While adult in nature I was relieved it did not involve tentacles or other disturbing fetishes! Instead, it was a tale that does not hide its Blade Runner inspiration-it rains often-and likewise its influence on The Matrix is apparent. There's action scenes, lovely views of futuristic Japan, interesting philosophical discussions... there are no regrets finally checking this out & it was sublime to have such a big first experience. No wonder Hollywood so badly bungled a plot like this—heaven knows the end result of a live-action Akira if it ever finally happens. If you are a fan and are in the vicinity of a location playing this one evening-the theatrical experience is highly recommended.

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