Sunday, June 13, 2021

One Hundred And One Dalmatians (The Cartoon)

Percival Fauncewater is one of the most British names I've ever heard.

While I have Disney + it should be used more often by myself; besides that, it allows me to note that without having seen Cruella except for the trailer and a minute of the most infamous moment (at least everywhere aside from Letterboxd) I will be a judgmental bastard and note that it is not something I'll ever watch. The whole Disney remake trend has always been garbage-no matter how popular those are at the box office-and after having seen this for the first time in at least 30 years, it was especially absurd that they would make Cruella De Vil into a sympathetic figure. I am glad that many here seem to like that motion picture but nothing about it seems appealing to me, especially after discovering there is a backstory reason as to why De Vil hates dalmatians... to me that is dopey as this movie suggested she is just a vile old crone who is a heiress, loves fur and only wants to skin puppies alive because a dalmatian fur coat will look tres chic.

All that said, this cartoon was still a charming good time. I hardly remembered anything from this so it was a surprise seeing that lead human male Roger's dog Pongo hooked him up with a gal named Anita because she had a female dalmatian as a pet and he was tired of dull bachelor life... not to mention one of the 15 dogs born of Pongo and Perdita was feared stillborn. Cruella wasn't in the movie as much as I recalled; that was fine as goofy henchmen Jasper and Horace not only brought some laughs, their UK slang tickled me pink. It was a cute story with plenty of memorable characters (including those that assisted the puppies in returning home), some nice music-appropriate as Roger is a songwriter-and animation that started the trend of using Xerox to save money... it usually looked fine and there was some colorful backgrounds but one moment just did not look right.

This helped save Disney's animation division after Sleeping Beauty (which I'll eventually revisit); even without this being a favorite from the studio and divorced from the new movie based on the property, this was a pretty good animated flick.

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