Monday, October 12, 2015

The Thieves

The Thieves (Dodookdeul) (2012)

Runtime: 136 minutes

Directed by: Dong-hun Choi

Starring: Kim Yun-Seok, Kim Hye-Soo, Lee Jung-Jae, Jun Ji-Hyun, Simon Yam

From: Several Korean companies

It's been months since I've seen a Korean film; I figured it was about time I changed this... plus by the time I am posting this review the film will all but be gone from Netflix Instant so I had to see it then. My review from Letterboxd is below:

It has been months since I've seen a Korean movie and as this one will disappear from Netflix Instant in a matter of hours, that is why I picked this one to watch last night, a film that is one of the highest domestic grossing motion pictures in the history of South Korean cinema.

The plot is that some thieves from South Korea and their fellow counterparts from China are brought together to steal an expensive diamond necklace from a casino in Macau; all those people have to work together to pull it off yet none of them can fully trust each other and there are many twists, turns, and surprises along the way. You have to pay attention as there are many characters and subplots but don't worry it's not too difficult to follow in this tale set in South Korea, Macau and Hong Kong. I've heard it described as like Ocean's 11, and I am unable to confirm as I've never seen the original or the lame-looking Ocean's 11 through 13 with George Clooney and gang.

Like I said there are many surprises throughout, which of course I won't spoil, except that I was shocked more than once. This could be called an action comedy. While there are many serious moments there are also plenty of 'funny bits and the tone is light, although mainly in the first half. Things are more grounded in the second half, and there are some nice action scenes throughout. Things become pretty crazy by the end, and it's all nicely directed, shot, and put together. I'll say that this is a different take on the heist film and I'll leave it at that.

With its all-star cast (some of which I did recognize from things I've seen before) and fun plot it isn't so hard to see why it was so successful in its home country. I know now that it won't be so long before I see another flick from South Korea.

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