Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Wacky Movie

No I did not watch a wacky movie (or any for that matter; I was too tired last night) but I heard about one from a messageboard recently. It was one that was at only a few AMC Theatres last month for a week and I don't believe it came to any near me but if it is then I am disappointed I missed out on it.

It is a film released this year called Nightlight. It was talked about in this article. Pretty much it's a typical found footage horror movie set in the woods. Talk about a genre that's more than played out now and yet I am sure it'll continue on for a few more years before everyone finally gets the memo. From all descriptions this is different... in a way that's either brilliant, stupid, or both. Instead of it being from the point of view of a camera that is being carried around by someone, it's from the point of view of A FLASHLIGHT. Amazing. I will wait until it inevitably comes on Instant in the future before I watch it but I definitely will watch it for having such a loony premise.

I'll be back tomorrow night.

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