Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Rough Outline For The Rest Of The Month

Yeah, no review tonight. Today-besides going out for dinner-has been a day for catching up on podcasts, otherwise I'd end up swamped and down further the rabbit hole and not being able to get out... especially considering that in the next few days I plan on seeing Gravity in 3D and on a giant screen (ideally, tomorrow night, as a matter of fact), Machete Kills (even though there haven't been too many rave reviews for it), and something on Xbox Video; I hope it is still up there Thursday night. There are reasons why I am not 100% that would be the case, which I would explain in the review if I am able to do it.

Also, I'll watch some horror films; maybe not as much as I would have liked for this month, but oh well. I may see a bizarre pairing of movies in 3D on Sunday. It just depends. But, I'll try to not have another one of these nights where I end up not watching anything when I was hoping to do so. I certainly have plenty I could watch horror-wise. It's the process of picking one out that's the bitch and a half for me, to put it bluntly.

Anyhow, I will be back on Thursday afternoon, hopefully with a review of Gravity, a wildly popular movie in every way that I understand is best seen on a giant screen, which I will be doing.

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