Saturday, March 16, 2024

Love Lies Bleeding

Love Lies Bleeding (2024)

92% on Rotten Tomatoes (out of 153 reviews)

Runtime: 104 minutes

Directed by: Rose Glass

Starring: Kristen Stewart, Katy O'Brian, Ed Harris, Jena Malone, Dave Franco

From: A24/Film4

This movie ALMOST derailed at the end. Before I even attended this screening, it was possible that this would be a film I would think was overrated. I had not seen Rose Glass's first movie (Saint Maud) before but the trailer made it look like “the most A24 thing ever”, which was my opinion at the time. Plenty of A24 movies I simply avoid as they just aren't for me; Beau is Afraid, for example, would be among the worst 3 hours of my entire life, I am sure! Hearing that Love Lives Bleeding has some “weird moments” gave me great pause. Yet, I had nothing to do on Friday evening, so I went to an area I rarely visit to do some things then watch the film.

Indeed there are some weird moments; those seemed designed for those that are fans of certain fetishes. That is fine with me, although I don't share those fetishes. Even if you are, please don't be like that tool in Michigan who pleasured himself at a screening of this after drinking some Fireball, passed out w/ his tallywacker out, and then was arrested! My screening was far more sane. I did not love the most surreal moments as they did not seem necessary in this neo-noir crossed w/ a sapphic love story. That includes a rather befuddling conclusion where the movie takes a complete left turn into something else entirely. Thankfully there is a final scene—how that is presented makes it easy for me to rationalize the previous minute so I can excuse it... even if I wish the filmmakers had done something else entirely.

As is, my score for the movie was NOT affected by that controversial scene. It was a relief as a few may not have liked me dogging a dark movie directed and co-written by a woman featuring a relationship between a lesbian and a bi woman. It's a graphic film w/ some gruesome moments concerning a female bodybuilder passing through a small New Mexico town on the way to Las Vegas for a big competition. She and bored gym employee Kristen Stewart have the hots for each other. It is a volatile relationship in a world filled with ugliness; I mean, there's spousal abuse and a crime boss. What kept me compelled with this plot despite my realization that it wasn't complex: the relationship between Lou and Jackie. What performances from Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brian, two performers who I've seen little of and both impressed. I don't see Jena Malone nearly enough, nor do I Ed Harris... who sported an incredible balding appearance. To steal a quote from Twitter, his look was “about to drop the hottest prog rock triple album of 1973.”

Credit should also go to Rose Glass, who created quite a few striking shots and appears to have a nice visual eye. Certain moments are bathed in red; the reason why won't be revealed here. This also has quite the retro score from Clint Mansell-that's right, the setting is a few decades in the past, which was a shock once I figured it out. The audience doesn't get to hear the Elton John song Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding, but that's OK as it was only a wish on my part—that 11 minute epic song is a real banger. Being more open to A24 movies isn't really in the cards yet, but thankfully Love Lives Bleeding gets right to the precipice without falling off in terms of weirdness that turns me off.

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