Friday, August 6, 2021

Austin Powers In Goldmember

Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)

Runtime: 94 minutes

Directed by: Jay Roach

Starring: Many of the main people from the first two, plus Michael Caine and Beyonce

From: New Line Cinema

Once again I see Austin Powers to be topical.

In this case it wasn't a phallic rocket from an incredibly rich dude that many people hate for valid reasons. Rather, what once again got Powers trending is a photo that accompanied an article Forbes tweeted out. A random 16 year old boy from the UK w/ an Arabic name is spotlighted because he's an entrepreneur and wants to start his own cryptocurrency. His wearing a dapper blue suit was what caused someone to replay he looked like “Timothee Chalamet playing Austin Powers.” Today, I am wondering if Mike Myers has started to think it was finally time to bring the character back...

If that does happen eventually, hopefully the 4th doesn't feel tired and lame like this does too often. Sure, there are enough chuckles where this wasn't a painful struggle to get through. But time travel AGAIN? Other lazy rehashes that even the movie comments on at one point? A bizarre villain who I just discovered a few days ago was based off of a strange Dutch dude who apparently was on the HBO show Real Sex way back when... but how many would have even known that in the early 00's? Would the Goldmember character actually have been funny if you get the reference? There are also way too many cameos.

At least Michael Caine was quite entertaining as Austin's superspy dad. As for Beyonce and her character Foxxy Cleopatra... she is no Pam Grier-heck, she was no Tamara Dobson. Mini-Me also brought some laughs yet overall this mess of a movie was only average overall. I mean, characters pop up out of nowhere and someone suddenly switches allegiances with little to no warning. If a 4th ever happens, let's hope it's better than this. Oh, and to think that of the cameos that people will look at differently in 2021 (Tom Cruise, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kevin Spacy in increasing cringe), the most uncomfortable moment was the reference to The Subway Diet and Jared Fogle being mentioned by name. I hate to end this review by reminding people of a sick, repugnant human being, but...

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