Saturday, November 14, 2020

Gamera vs. Zigra

Gamera vs. Zigra (1971)

Runtime: 88 minutes

Directed by: Noriaki Yuasa

Starring: Koji Fujiyama, Daigo Inoue, Yasushi Sakagami, Goro Kumon, Gloria Zoellner

From: Daiei... and Dainichi-Eihai

This is the first of two reviews I'm posting today; the films are related to each other. As I've explained before, as a kid I saw the first seven movies on VHS; in the past few years I've revisited the first six so it was time for this, even if I had faint memories of the film being rather lousy. Indeed it was lousy; a shame as it has a nice pro-environmental message.

I could bemoan how this is yet another instance where we follow two young children (more annoying than usual) outwitting both adults and the alien villains; they want to take over Earth's oceans but are pissed that humanity are polluting SOB's, yada yada yada. I could carp about some of the special effects but they looked like they were from ILM in comparison to the inanity I experienced last night (that'll come in a few hours). It's goofy nonsense with many plot holes where the best way to exemplify it is that the ending features Gamera playing Zigra's back as if it was a xylophone; at least I laughed because it was so outlandish. If you've seen Gamera against the likes of Jiger or Guiron, you should know what to expect with this.

Some scenes are set at a marine park in Japan known as... Sea World. No, they have nothing to do with the company in the United States that has some locations in the United States and people have hated since that Blackfish documentary came out. From looking at the website of what is now known as Kamogawa Sea World, not only do you see orcas in captivity doing shows in the film, they still have them in captivity today. You can use that information however you wish. Anyhow, it is a movie which was a last gasp from Daiei before they went defunct for a few years. The way that they tried to restart Gamera in 1980 once they returned...

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