Monday, July 5, 2010

It’s Random Movie Talk Day!

Well, the past few days were more busy/lazy for me than expected, so I will instead mention two quick things related to films that have been talked about in various places as of late.

First off, all across Twitter and elsewhere today, somehow the story started that in the first Back to the Future, the future date that Doc Brown enters into his DeLorean time machine was July 5, 2010. Of course, most people retweet it without trying to find out if it’s actually true or not. Well, it’s apparently not true at all, according to reliable sources. I don’t have those DVD’s anymore so I can’t check it out myself. The closest it comes to being true is that Doc says (during the time of the movie, late October 1985) that he wishes to go “25 years in the future” but that’d be late October of this year (which is when the Blu-Rays of those movies are coming out, by the way) and in the second movie, they go to 2015. So, I have no idea how that rumor started but while the first one was released in the U.S. on July 3, 25 years ago, the story about Doc Brown wanting to visit today is just poppycock.

Then, there’s The Last Airbender movie and it’s not just about how most critics think it’s hideously awful or how it still managed to make a lot of money at the box office. Rather, there’s a huge to-do about it due to how it’s based off of an Asian-flavored cartoon and yet most of the lead roles were given to Caucasian people. Not too surprisingly there’s more than a few people who are quite upset with that fact. You can read about the whole controversy here. It’s a pretty interesting article, but I think it's very sad that that sort of casting still goes on and minorities can't get a much bigger break in the entertainment industry.

Enough of me on my soapbox. I'll be back Friday night with an honest to goodness review.

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