Saturday, August 17, 2024


Immaculate (2024)

71% on Rotten Tomatoes (out of 200 reviews)

Runtime: 89 minutes

Directed by: Michael Mohan

Starring: Sydney Sweeney, Alvaro Morte, Simona Tabasco, Benedetta Porcaroli, Giorgio Colangeli

From: NEON

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.

Late last night I returned home to Florida; the Southwest flight from Wichita to Orlando (via St. Louis) went fine. Toasted ravioli was had in St. Louis; it was nice to sample some local cuisine. I saw Immaculate on its first day on Hulu yesterday morning not because of its star/producer but rather due to me not having planned for Friday morning viewing, its short 89-minute runtime and my theatrical experience with The First Omen.

To address the crucifix-shaped table in the room-an actual table seen in the film-both Immaculate and The First Omen relate to young American nuns in Italy who enter a convent, only to discover it's a place with incredibly perverted ideas on proper teachings & beliefs The Lord would approve of.

Several plot points are rather similar; due to the stories, that was likely inevitable rather than Omen copying elements from a script that had been around for years and in fact star Sydney Sweeney purchased the script and her production company was one of the several that made this. If she was responsible for the giallo elements (including the usage of a song from The Red Queen Kills Seven Times)... swoon!

The First Omen I do prefer overall in terms of story and all the rest. That said, a pair of similar 70's style horror where First felt rather gnarly due to some genuinely terrifying moments and a scene “inspired” by Possession while Immaculate has some crazy nunsploitation/exploitation vibes-especially in the film's third trimester-Praise the Lord for both going wide release and are modern horror I can enjoy that isn't the “elevated horror” nonsense nor the worst of Blumhouse like Tarot is purported to be.

This feels like an exploitation version of what First did-both are tasty flavors for different reasons. Both films presenting quality performances from their leads were for certain assets. Not everyone will agree with my retro opinions on the horror genre but a double-feature of those modern films would make for a satisfying night.

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