Sunday, June 9, 2024

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Runtime: 139 minutes

Directed by: Sam Raimi

Starring: The usual crew plus many others in an overstuffed movie

From: Columbia

What a mess Spider-Man 3 is. Of course, one factor in my relatively low rating is my general ambivalence towards comic book movies. Going in, I knew its reputation and I saw some footage of Emo Peter Parker/Emo Spider-Man. Yet, I saw the first two movies in the Sam Raimi trilogy when Sony brought them back to cinema so it wouldn’t feel right to not eventually complete the trilogy, even if it was via a streaming rental at home.

In fact, this movie practically obliterated my senses with how overstuffed the movie is during its 139 minute runtime. Famous, the producers & their interference are why this also had Venom and Gwen Stacy when Raimi’s original idea was just Harry Osborne and Sandman as the villains. There is the realization that the symbiotes which created Venom also morphed Peter Parker into his My Chemical Romance era so the original script must have been vastly different. There are three villains, problems with Peter & Mary Jane, action scenes best described as a “cacophony”… it was exhausting, and subsequently a reason why many films like this are just avoided by me.

It was an earnest cast who gave sincere performances, the Raimi direction was fine as was the score—it wasn’t enough for me to like the movie. There were more scenes at jazz clubs than expected, including a nice, quiet ending that delighted because it wasn’t bombastic & was a nice send-off until the multiverse became a thing. I’ve seen FAR worse from comic book movies so I can’t get too mad at this—and Peter Parker turning into a Hot Topic fan was hysterical, but that’s the indelible memory I’ll always have of this film.


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