Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Escape from the Bronx

Escape from the Bronx (Fuga Dal Bronx) (1983)

Runtime: 89 minutes

Directed by: Enzo G. Castellari

Starring: Mark Gregory, Giancarlo Prete, Henry Silva, Valeria D’Obici, Antonio Sabato, Sr.

From: Fulvia Film

The nice rating is for those that enjoy the trashy old Italian genre movies. Also, those that saw and liked 1982’s 1990: The Bronx Warriors should at least check this out. Warriors I saw on the Criterion Channel this past January; as both that and this are leaving that platform at the end of the month, I viewed this last night instead of waiting until the last minute as I tend to do too often.

A few years after 1990, an evil corporation (insert your own pithy comments if you wish) have plans to demolish the entirety of the Bronx so a new modern area could be created--totally gentrified, also. They said that people can move to “solar homes in New Mexico,” which is hilarious as New Mexico is like 2,000 miles away from New York City. Those refusing to go… they literally are burned alive by flamethrowers! In fact, the term “fascist” is properly used by a character. The ”Disinfestation Annihilation Squad” doing the bidding of the heels are led by Henry Silva in a total Henry Silva enforcer role. The TRASH character from 1990-that’s not my assessment of the character, that’s literally his name-returns.

The film is sleaze & trash more preoccupied w/ maiming and killing almost two hundred people (literally; someone counted and put up the figures on IMDb) than telling a cogent, logical story that has strong plotting. Yet, most people willing to give this a shot will understand the focus is more on seeing people die-sometimes in gruesome fashion-marvel at the sleazy moments, view OOT performances, enjoy a groovy score and guffaw at such realizations as seeing Antonio Sabato, Sr. dressed as a cross between a pirate and Han Solo.

It's a motion picture where Trash shoots a revolver at a helicopter in the air… and the helicopter blows up! Need I say more?

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