Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Pair of Links

Today is not a day I feel like watching a movie, so instead I'll mention a pair of links.

Someone I follow online mentioned how Amazon Prime is offering a free month. I decided to sign up and for the next few weeks I will watch some of the free offerings they have there. A lot of it you have to pay some cash to rent each movie but sometimes you'll find something for free and I'll partake in those. The link is here.

Second, for the Charles Band fans out there, there's Full Moon Streaming. It offers the newer titles they do but also the classic ones from the Empire Pictures days, such as Trancers, Subspecies, Puppet Master, Demonic Toys, and the like. I doubt I'll be doing that, although one of these years I should watch some of those films.

I'll be back tomorrow night, and at least the current plan is for me to do a review.

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