Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vegas Vacation

Vegas Vacation (1997)

Runtime: 93 minutes

Directed by: Stephen Kessler

Starring: The usual Vacation crew, plus Wayne Newton, Marisol Nichols, Wallace Shawn & Sid Caesar

From: Warner Bros.

A change of pace was needed for the weekend; so was me finally viewing this film in full when since the late 90's, I'd see it in bits and pieces, usually at someone else's house when it was on TV. The reason why it never happened until now despite experiencing the first three Vacation pictures in my youth: the middling opinion of it when it was released-how it was “the worst” of the series. What I saw wasn’t bad yet finally I had the motivations.

Turns out, it’s not bad, especially by modern comedy standards. Admittedly, Clark W. Griswold is dumber than in the other films by a notable margin; them leaning into that wasn’t always to my liking. Be that as it may, after the first 15 minutes or so, the film improves and there are occasional laugh, even if at times it seemed as if there’s a lack of payoff to jokes. As Clark becomes addicted to gambling, Ellen has a fling w/ Wayne Newton (his performance was a highlight) & Rusty and Audrey have their own adventures, the film is watchable.

Of course, Randy Quaid as Cousin Eddie and Miriam Flynn as Catherine are assets and IMO, it was nice seeing what Las Veas looked like back in the late 90’s. The family stays at The Mirage, a hotel just closed two months ago as in several years, a new Hard Rock hotel will occupy that space. Other places have changed in the 25 years plus so that was a gas for me, along with the total boomer soundtrack.

Siegfried & Roy appear in a scene; they are also iconic to Las Vegas, although “the accident” and the subsequent revelations that their famed white tigers probably weren’t treated all that well… unfortunate. At least there’s Wallace Shawn & I’ve always laughed at Nick Pappagiorgio--and it was nice to see how Rusty acquired the most famous movie fake ID until McLovin.

It is the worst of the four Vacation films-no, I’m not counting the reboot; from all appearances I’d consider 2015’s Vacation an affront against God so there’s no need for me to ever tackle that. Vegas Vacation was entertaining enough for me-even if it’s time in comparison to the other three-that a full viewing should have happened long before September, 2024.


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