Thursday, July 18, 2024

Bank Robbers: The Last Great Heist

This is a 2022 documentary from Argentina that can be found on Netflix: 

An Argentinian documentary about a bank heist in that country involving a scheme straight out of a heist picture… sign me up. At least on Letterboxd, few of my mutuals have viewed it yet I never let such things factor into what I select. Before pressing "play” on Netflix yesterday, I had no foreknowledge of this case. Afterwards, it was clear why not only was the incident turned into this documentary, the nature of the heist itself was so cinematic, of course it was made into a movie: 2020’s The Heist of the Century.

What a tale this is: the ringleader of the heist decides to commit it not mainly for the obvious monetary gains, but rather because… he took up art, martial arts & cultivating marijuana & after smoking all the time he wanted to create art via a creative heist?! Strange but true. He recruits a motley bunch who have specific skill sets, such as the engineer that… fixes Jet Skis for a living. Only some of the gang appear here; the others don’t even have their image show, I’m sure for specific reasons.

The specifics of their scheme won’t be elaborated upon here; if you must know, using Google to search for 2006 Buenos Aires Bank Heist will give you the answers. That search will also reveal the aftermath, which is literally what I’ve seen in fictional noir/heist films. The participants tell quite the tell, which is reenacted throughout; the ways they brought the heist to life was done in several creative/unique ways and involved aspect ratio changes-that was a genuine surprise.

The documentary fans that are intrigued to learn about a fascinating bank robbery, this gets a hearty recommendation for viewing on Netflix.

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