Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Singin' In The Rain

Runtime: 103 minutes

Directed by: Stanley Donen (RIP)

Starring: Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, Jean Hagen, Millard Mitchell

From: MGM

This is a few weeks later, but my review is still a better Stanley Donen tribute than what the Academy did last month, which was “nothing at all.”

It was about time I made mention of a great director passing away, and as Turner Classic Movies showed a few of his films last night, I went with his most famous effort, which just happens to be in the running for “greatest movie musical ever.” The film is simply a delight as a movie studio in the late 1920's notices that The Jazz Singer is a massive hit so they better start making talkies themselves. It's a problem when the two big stars that always team up actually hate each other, the girl in that duo has a funny and not aesthetically pleasing voice, & just knowing how to film and mic everything correctly for the first time is a hassle.

Overall, the movie is legendary; Gene Kelly singing the title tune in one sequence on a rainy street has become iconic but all of the musical/dance numbers are tremendous in terms of choreography, singing, dancing, sets, etc. Every single main player (Kelly, Donald J. O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, Jean Hagen, Millard Mitchell) have tremendous chemistry with each other. There are plenty of laughs for-among other things-how this Hollywood product satirized Hollywood itself. It is bittersweet a bit that many silent stars suddenly were stars no more because their voice did not match their image.

Other than that, Singin' in the Right is a true treasure, such a pleasant movie to watch; there are laughs throughout. For me, a highlight in that regard was the disaster that was the first screening of, the initial talkie movie the studio is doing. No matter what you think of movie musicals, this classic is a must-see for all film fans.

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