Friday, March 15, 2019


Runtime: 103 minutes

Directed by: Peter Jackson

Starring: Timothy Balme, Diana Penalver, Elizabeth Moody, Ian Watkin, Brenda Kendall

From: Several New Zealand companies

I had actually forgotten how bats--- crazy this film was: 
I was originally going to watch this later in the month; however, the horrible tragedy that happened in New Zealand last night necessitated a change in my schedule so I could say today how awful the events in Christchurch were. I actually know some people who live in the country (they are fine) and as the founders of Letterboxd are Kiwis... this seemed like the right thing to do. I realize this is a way over the top splatter picture in every which way, but...

Late 1950's Wellington turns wild after the horrible old mother of Lionel is bitten on the arm by a “Sumatran Rat Monkey”, and she turns into a horrible creature which starts biting people that turn into horrible creatures themselves. That for sure hampers the budding romance he has with Paquita, the Spanish Romani ladies who has a family that falls into the old Gypsy stereotypes, but what can you do? As I mentioned, the film is gleefully over the top and not just with the premise; there's the characters-who knew that there were greasers in 1950's New Zealand?-the situations they get themselves in, how Lionel handles this mounting problem, etc. The fact that there's an old priest who knows kung-fu and states “I kick ass for The Lord!”, need I say more?

More so than for most movies, this definitely is not for all tastes; offensive things happen, hundreds of gallons of fake blood are sprayed all over, dozens of entrails and other body parts are ripped or spilled out, and overall this is a seriously F'ed up movie... albeit one that to me is quite funny in its pitch-black humor. There are many creative ways that people get maimed and killed, for certain. A necessity was that the practical (and plentiful) gore effects were done well, and thankfully they were.
Braindead is by far the goriest movie I've ever seen and personally, I hope no one tries to top this feat, as it probably would turn out to be a disaster, and likely wouldn't be as fun as this insane picture is.

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