Monday, October 23, 2017


Diabolique (Les Diaboliques) (1955)

Runtime: 117 minutes

Directed by: Henri-Georges Clouzot

Starring: Simone Signoret, Vera Clouzot, Paul Meurisse, Charles Vanel, Jean Brochard

From: Filmsonor/Vera Films

Yep, this movie's awesome. See why below: 

I figured it was time for me to watch and review a classic, and a classic this is. The film is pure Hitchcockian... heck, Hitch wanted to make it too but legendary French director Henri-Georges Clouzot got the rights to the screenplay first. Some aspects wouldn't have been allowed in a Hollywood film (especially the cursing; when it came out in the United States, some parts were edited out) so this being made in France was for the best.

The plot isn't too complicated: both the wife and the mistress of an awful tyrant of a human being that runs a low-rent boarding school (comprised of really bratty kids, but maybe that's just me) conspire to kill him. You see the way he acts and treats people, it's not hard to believe at all that those two ladies would come together to commit such a serious act. It happens, but... I dare not spoil the rest, except that the ending is incredible. After all, the last thing you see from the movie is a titlecard telling you not to tell anyone else what happens in the movie.

The two ladies, they clearly have different personalities. The wife is a nervous wreck-she isn't in the best of health-while the mistress is pretty strong-willed. It was always intriguing watching those two interact, although the best part of the film is how it always builds suspense and as its patient, it means being on edge often as the screws slowly turn and you see how their plans turn out and how they react when certain developments happen. Thankfully there are some minor characters that are wacky so they provided a few needed laughs.

It wasn't until last night that I had remembered there was a 1996 Hollywood remake; I am sure I hadn't thought of it in about 20 years. Shock of shocks, I understand it's no good. I know the story was turned into a pair of old TV movies with different titles and I'm sure they're fine... but this is easy to track down so I say this is a must... especially if you love Hitchcock films. The acting, the filmmaking, all the unnerving moments, characters being wracked with guilt... its legendary rep is deserved.

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