Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Terror Of Mechagodzilla

Runtime: 83 minutes

Directed by: Ishiro Honda

Starring: Katsuhiko Sasaki, Tomoko Ai, Akihiko Hirata, Katsumasa Uchida, Goro Mutsumi

From: Toho

This was my initial viewing of the original Japanese cut; as a kid I saw the American version (via a 90's Paramount VHS release) which had a weird 10 minute opening which not entirely accurately gives the history of Godzilla and mentions what happened in the previous movie, then there are white credits that scream “late 70's” in appearance. As I have this on DVD and both cuts are on it... otherwise this would only be faintly remembered.

The plot: the aliens from Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla return and they rebuild Mecha; once again there are Interpol agents trying to stop them, aided by common folk. That isn't as interesting or as memorable as in G vs. M but this does have the interesting subplot of a genius scientist gone crazy (is there any other kind?) and his daughter, whom the aliens save from death and she has quite the secret that I won't spoil here, only because a random reviewer noted how they got mad that Wikipedia gave this plot point away. Anyhow, scientist and daughter actually have the ability to control another kaiju, an aquatic bipedal dinosaur-like creature known as Titanosaurus.

You're gonna have to wait a long while to see any of the kaiju fight each other (and even longer to see Mecha actually do anything) but overall this is fine. The human stuff is at least interesting. As others have noted, this is darker than usual for a later-era Showa film and once the action does start, it is a lot of fun. Many things are trampled on, knocked over, or just plain blown up. It should be good times for many that enjoy the kaiju action, and can appreciate how Ishiro Honda returned one last time and Akira Ifukube did the score once again.

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